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84th Annual Friendship Games

The very best of luck to Holly Gregg and Megan Hoyte from rang a 5 who will be participating in the 84th Annual Friendship Games on Friday the of 12th of June in Belfast. They will represent Dublin in camogie against a selection from Belfast. We are all very proud of you here in the school.  

Visit from the new Junior Infants!

The new Junior Infants will be coming in this Thursday, June 11th from 13:45-14:15 to see their new classroom and to meet their teacher, Múinteoir Eimear.

Lá Spóirt

Lá Spóirt is taking place on Tuesday, 16th June. More information to follow.  

Family Day

Don’t forget Family Day on the 20th June.

Welcome to Gaelscoil na Camóige’s new school website

Welcome to Gaelscoil na Camóige’s new website. Keep an eye out for school news and updates here.
